CARROLL (voice over): "One Million B.C.," a popular sci-fi fantasy movie of the late 1960s where humans battled dinosaurs on prehistoric Earth. A new museum doesn't believe that story is fiction or fantasy, but a biblical fact, now on display at the newly opened Creation Museum.
KEN HAM, FOUNDER, THE CREATION MUSEUM: We believe that dinosaurs and people lived at the same time, and that's what the bible would teach, because all land animals were made on the same day as Adam and Eve were made.
CARROLL: The religious controversy getting traction at a recent Republican debate where three presidential candidates took a stand against evolution.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm curious, is there anybody on the stage who does not agree -- believe in evolution?
CARROLL: Surely, any number of scientists would debate the theory behind these exhibits, which show dinosaurs living side by side with humans. Here the bible's account is taken word for word, that Earth and all its inhabitants were created in six days. A much different account of what you will hear at a natural history museum.
MIKE NOVACEK, PROVOST, MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY: There's absolutely no scientific evidence aligned with the notion that the Earth is only 6,000 years old.
CARROLL: But Creation Museum director Ken Ham says if Christians don't take the bible literally, they undermine its message. So he's confronting the theory of evolution head on.
HAM: The purpose of the museum is really to give people information that's currently being censored from the public schools, from the secular universities, information they don't hear about that actually shows that evolution is not fact.
CARROLL: Demonstrators who disagree with the museum's message protested outside the opening today.
HAM: They do not want children even hearing the possibility that evolution has problems or that it could be wrong. They Don't even want them to hear that. They don't want them to hear the other side.
CARROLL: And if that means believing there were dinosaurs on Noah's Ark, then so be it.
I have long believed that if the recent earth creation message REALLY got into the public schools and universities, it would be the worst backfire in history because it would expose the YEC arguments to scrutiny on a level that it does not currently get by academia. It would be shown for the sham science that it is. There at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY, only one side of the story is being told, and anyone with even a cursory background in science can spot the holes in the arguments. Is this what Ken Ham really wants?
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