Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Noah's Ark: The Construction Phase

Skip, over at Panda's Thumb, has a humorous post about the new theme park in Kentucky being built around the theme of Noah's Ark. He writes:

I’ve created a new web site,, to track the progress and construction of Answers in Genesis’s latest assault on common sense and good taste, the Ark Encounter theme park. I’ll aggregate news stories, blog posts, and other coverage on one site where visitors can survey reactions from the media, the public, and other sources.

Anyone coming across information related to Ark Encounter can forward it to me for posting, skip (AT) penguinsites (DOT) com.

He also has a challenge on his site that I am quite sure Ken Ham will not rise to—build his own ark and test the model given in Genesis.

I have always had another challenge in the back of my mind: get a large pool of some kind and, over the course of forty days, fill it with one part water and three parts mud, shake it up really well, let it settle out for a year in the outdoors and see what you have. I can guaran-dang-tee you won't have shale, granite, anthracite, chert, flint, quartzite or any of the other rocks that take intense pressure or heat to form. To my knowledge, no one has tested that either.

Now playing: Anthony Phillips & Harry Williamson - Movement Three - The Hunt
via FoxyTunes


  1. I agree entirely with your point, but a swimming pool is a very poor model for a worldwide flood with enormous tectonic disturbance (and possibly radioisotopic speedup). It's just not worth losing the use of your swimming pool.

    Hm, maybe I was wrong... If you actually wanted to keep using your pool during the process, cancel my argument against :-).


  2. Maybe it isn't possible to model, given all of the eisegesis that Whitcomb and Morris threw into the mix, but it was worth an idea.
