Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cretaceous Extinction: The Smoking Gun?

Canwest is reporting on research by Sankar Chatterjee, of Texas Tech University, who claims to have found the impact crater that led to the dinosaur extinction at the end of the Cretaceous period. They write:
The area is about 500 kilometres in diameter and encircles a peak about five kilometres high known as the Bombay High. It is also a spot mined extensively for oil and gas by companies that tend to keep their geological data secret, which has delayed the ability of researchers to do any in-depth research of the suspected crater.
A bit later, they write:
Chatterjee said the crater is likely the largest on the planet and was caused by an object about 40 kilometres in diameter. The energy released on impact would dwarf the detonation of all nuclear weapons on Earth combined, he said. The impact caused what's known as the "KT Extinction Event," a combination of blast effects that killed off 70 per cent of life on the planet 65 million years ago. Other researchers say more study is needed.
This will rattle some cages. Common consensus is that the Chicxulub crater off the Yucatan peninsula is the impact point for the KT extinction event. Others still argue that the dinosaurs were in steep decline even before either of these impacts took place.

Now playing: The Alan Parsons Project - I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You (Backing Track Rough Mix)
via FoxyTunes

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