Monday, February 11, 2008

Meanwhile, Across the Pond...

Things seem to be heating up in Europe:

Ken Ham is the founder of Answers in Genesis, a Kentucky-based organization that is part of an ambitious effort to bring creationist theory to Britain and the rest of Europe. McLean is one of a growing number of evangelicals embracing that message — that the true history of the Earth is told in the Bible, not Darwin's "The Origin of Species."

Europeans have long viewed the conflict between evolutionists and creationists as primarily an American phenomenon, but it has recently jumped the Atlantic Ocean with skirmishes in Italy, Germany, Poland and, notably, Britain, where Darwin was born and where he published his 1859 classic.

In a country where the archbishop of Canterbury, the "Hairy Leftie," as he calls himself, has suggested that sharia law might not be a bad thing in England, they want to bring in Creationism? I have to confess, I am of two minds about this. As the article notes a bit further down:

Creationism is still a marginal issue here compared with its impact on cultural and political debate in the United States. But the budding fervor is part of a growing embrace of evangelical worship throughout much of Europe. Evangelicals say their ranks are swelling as attendance at traditional churches declines because of revulsion with the hedonism and materialism of modern society.

The church is England is largely dead and, ordinarily, I would welcome any and all efforts to revitalise it. The problem is that creationism is still creationism: a mix of bad theology and bad science, masquerading as the real thing. What happens when the children learn about real science? How will their theology then fare?

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